I was thinking ‘bout me and you today
And all the things I wanna do for you some day
For every city that you ain’t never seen
There’s 10 reasons why you shouldn’t be with me
I just want to make it good for you
I’m doing everything I know to do
— Matt Powell

Conversations with That Guy At Work

GAW: (hehehhe) Did you see that shirt?
Me: (with my back to the guy with the shirt in reference) No
GAW: It said rage against the machine… (hehehe)
Me: That's a band
GAW: (Almost rolling on the floor laughing) Now I know exactly how a guy I used to work for felt.
GAW: There were these guys at work that took time off to go see a band. When the boss asked them what band they went to go see, they said "The Who." The boss asked again what band was it.
Commentary: According to GAW's story, this went on for awhile. Or at least the story did, but you get the point.

Conversations with That Guy At Work

Me: Did you hear about the accident on 465 this morning that shutdown the North bound traffic?
GAW: I heard something about a wreck on the radio…
GAW: (Pause)
GAW: Did I ever tell you I was hit my a drunk driver?
Me: No
GAW: Yup
GAW: (Pause)
Me: Was anything hurt?
GAW: Sent my car to the junkyard and 5 months later I went to the hospital for a rapid heart beat
Me: The car accident caused you to have a rapid heart beat 5 months later?
GAW: Well, the doctors couldn't say for sure, but I think so.

This is a song is coming off our new album…this album is gonna kick ass…it’s what country music should be. None of this Rascal Flatts, boy-band ****. (Pause) But I do like that fat chick they’ve got with ‘em…ya know…the lead singer.
— Jason Boland at Carlotta’s, May 2006