Directions to:
6449 N Green Hills Est
Solsberry, IN 47459
If you follow some GPS directions, you will end up 2.7 miles south of the house
These directions start from Highway 45 (also referred to as 2nd St exit off of Highway 37 and the Bloomfield Rd exit) at the Liberty Drive Stoplight (Steak and Shake will be on your right)
Head southwest on IN-45 S for 4.4 miles then turn right on Elwren Rd.
When you see this gas station, you are 1/4 mile from Elwren Rd
This the Elwren Rd intersection with IN-45. Turn right here. There is a sign that says Monroe County Saddle Club
Continue on Elrwen Rd for 2.1 miles until you run into the stop sign at County Line Rd. Then turn right.
While on Elwren Rd, after 1.7 miles, you will go under a one lane railroad bridge
Turn right on to County Line Road at this stop sign
Continue on County Line Road for 0.9 miles, then make a slight left on to Wagner Road
The slight left on to Wagner Road is shown here. The first left in the photo is a driveway
Take the 1st left into Green Hills Estates
The entrance to Greene Hills Estates (yes, I know we spell in Green in the address but Greene on this sign)
The house will be the first house on your right.
You have arrived.